Who We Are
The Long Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is the acknowledged leader in real estate appraisal education, publishing, research, and professional membership designation programs on Long Island.
This commitment extends to educational programs facilitating designation, license qualifications, and ongoing education for recertification. Moreover, the Chapter places strong emphasis on mentoring, communication, and outreach.
The Appraisal Institute encourages members to go beyond the minimum requirements of state licensing and certification by participating in these programs. The organization is committed to advancing the appraisal profession and improving the level of appraisal services by providing the skills required to complete increasingly complex appraisal assignments.
Long Island Chapter History
The predecessor to the Long Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute was granted its original charter in 1970. This recognized the growing number of real estate appraisal professionals in the counties of Nassau and Suffolk who sought membership in a world leading organization of professional real estate appraisers. The Long Island Chapter regularly conducts educational courses which meet state licensing and membership qualification and continuing education requirements, and offers seminars on the most current topics. Meetings and seminars are held throughout the year, which are open to anyone interested in real estate appraisal.
The Appraisal Institute is the leading professional association of real estate appraisers. The Appraisal Institute’s Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice comprise requirements for ethical and competent practice, and advance equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in the appraisal profession. The Appraisal Institute’s work includes an array of professional education and advocacy programs, and stewardship of the highest level professional credentials in residential and commercial real estate appraisal.
Chapter Leadership
Donald Franklin, MAISenior Vice President
Steve Salerno, MAIVice President
Keara CowanTreasurer
Frank Ciotta, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRSSecretary
Cecilia Cortes, MAI, AI-GRS
Chapter Executive Director
Deidre Cutler -
2023, 2024, 2025
Frank Notaro, MAI, SRA2023, 2024, 2025
Matthew Smith, MAI, SRA2024, 2025, 2026
J. Kevin Timoney, MAI, AI-GRS2024, 2025, 2026
Michael Scalia, MAI, AI-GRS2025, 2026, 2027
Howard Morris, SRA -
Donald Franklin, MAI
Steve Salerno, MAI
Keara Cowan
Frank Ciotta, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS
Cecilia Cortes, MAI, AI-GRS
John Biordi, MAI, AI-GRS
Anthony Marmorale, SRA, AI-RRS
Tonia Vailas, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Steve Salerno, MAI -
Anthony Marmorale, SRA, AI-RRSVice Chair
Richard Meyer, SRACommittee
Maurice Reilly, MAICommittee
Tim Morgenstern -
Hector Nieves, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Anne Sheehan, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Howard Morris, SRACommittee
John P. Biordi, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Charissa Kwan, MAI, AI-GRS -
Chair, Treasurer
Frank Ciotta, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRSAdvisor
Hector Nieves, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Donald Franklin, MAICommittee
Steve Salerno, MAICommittee
Keara CowanCommittee
Cecilia Cortes, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Tonia Vailas, MAI, AI-GRS -
Cecilia Cortes, MAI, AI-GRSCo-Chair
Robert B. Smith, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
James G. Taylor, MAI, SRACommittee
Richard Meyer, SRA
Anne Sheehan, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Maurice Reilly, MAICommittee
Sean BrazierCommittee
Kathy Leitman, SRA, AI-RRS -
Richard Meyer, SRACo-Chair
Gerard O’Connor, SRA, AI-RRSCommittee
Howard Morris, SRA -
Patrick SmithCommittee
Keara CowanCommittee
Kevin Kennedy -
Frank Ciotta, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRSCo-Chair
Donald Franklin, MAI -
Charissa Kwan, MAI, AI-GRSCo-Chair
Cecilia Cortes, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Hector Nieves, MAI, AI-GRS -
Cecilia Cortes, MAI, AI-GRSCo-Chair
Robert Malone, MAI, SRA, AI-GRSVice Chair
Steve Salerno, MAICommittee
Donald Franklin, MAICommittee
Keara CowanCommittee
Frank Ciotta, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRSCommittee
Anthony Marmorale, SRA, AI-RRSCommittee
Tonia Vailas, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Maurice Reilly, MAICommittee
Kevin Kennedy -
Charissa Kwan, MAI, AI-GRSVice Chair
Steve Salerno, MAICommittee
Andrew Albro, MAICommittee
Howard Morris, SRA -
Anthony Marmorale, SRA, AI-RRSCo-Chair
Matthew Smith, MAI, SRACo-Chair
Patrick SmithCo-Chair
Robert B. Smith, MAI, AI-GRS -
John P. Biordi, MAI, AI-GRSVice Chair
Keara CowanCommittee
Charissa Kwan, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Tonia Vailas, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Sunita A. Mungol, SRA, AI-RRSCommittee
Anthony Legotti, MAILDAC Representative
Steve Salerno, MAILDAC Representative
Keara Cowan
Hector Nieves, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
TBDCandidate Observer
Steve Salerno, MAICommittee
Frank Ciotta, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRSCommittee
Donald Franklin, MAICommittee
Keara CowanCommittee
Robert B. Smith, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Frank Notaro, MAI, SRACommittee
Cecilia Cortes, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Howard Morris, SRACommittee
Maurice Reilly, MAI -
Tonia Vailas, MAI, AI-GRSCo-Chair
Elinor Brunswick, MAI -
Tonia Vailas, MAI, AI-GRSCo-Chair
Charissa Kwan, MAI, AI-GRSVice Chair
Robert Malone, MAI, SRA, AI-GRSCommittee
Kevin KennedyCommittee
Glen Wilson -
Anthony Marmorale, SRA, AI-RRSVice Chair
Frank Ciotta, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRSCommittee
Howard Morris, SRACommittee
Gerard O’Connor, SRA, AI-RRS -
John P. Biordi, MAI, AI-GRSCo-Chair
Frank Ciotta, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRSCommittee
Gerard O’Connor, SRA, AI-RRSCommittee
Patrick SmithCommittee
Kevin Kennedy -
Elinor Brunswick, MAICommittee
Andrew Albro, MAICommittee
John P. Biordi, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Dan AaronsCommittee
Michael Scalia, MAI, AI-GRS -
Steve Salerno, MAICo-Chair
Keara CowanCommittee
Frank Ciotta, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRSCommittee
Cecilia Cortes, MAI, AI-GRS -
John P. Biordi, MAI, AI-GRSCommittee
Kathy Leitman, SRA, AI-RRSCommittee
Hector Nieves, MAI, AI-GRS